String id
int httpStatusCode
Integer id
Integer resourceId
ActionStatus status
ActionType type
ResourceType resourceType
Date startedAt
Date completedAt
Region region
String regionSlug
Boolean isRequestSuccess
int statusCode
Integer id
String name
Integer memorySizeInMb
Integer virutalCpuCount
Integer diskSize
Region region
Image image
String size
boolean locked
DropletStatus status
Networks networks
Kernel kernel
Date createdDate
List<E> features
Boolean enableBackup
Boolean enableIpv6
Boolean enablePrivateNetworking
List<E> backupIds
List<E> snapshotIds
List<E> keys
String userData
RateLimit rateLimit
String slug
Integer memorySizeInMb
Integer virutalCpuCount
Integer diskSize
Long transfer
BigDecimal priceMonthly
BigDecimal priceHourly
List<E> regions
boolean available
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