Spring Extensions

Interface CrossDomainMapper

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CrossDomainMapper

CrossDomainMapper implementations provide callers with information about which HTTP cross domain name are associated with which HTTPS cross domain name on the system, and vice versa.

Jeevanandam ([email protected])

Method Summary
 String lookupHttpCrossDomain(String httpsDomainName)
          Locates the HTTP cross domain associated with the specified HTTPS cross domain.
 String lookupHttpsCrossDomain(String httpDomainName)
          Locates the HTTPS cross domain associated with the specified HTTP cross domain.

Method Detail


String lookupHttpCrossDomain(String httpsDomainName)
Locates the HTTP cross domain associated with the specified HTTPS cross domain.

Returns null if unknown.

httpsDomainName - a String object.
the HTTP cross domain name or null if unknown


String lookupHttpsCrossDomain(String httpDomainName)
Locates the HTTPS cross domain associated with the specified HTTP cross domain.

Returns null if unknown.

httpDomainName - a String object.
the HTTPS cross domain name or null if unknown

Spring Extensions

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